Tuesday, July 22, 2014


In my last post I brought you up to my move to Nevada, but after reading it over I found that I left out some very important information, so please bear with me while I backtrack.

During the three years that I lived in the Caribbean when the temperature hovers between 80 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit year round I had many times when I was cold. Cold like you can’t get warm cold. I had a friend there who was a doctor and he kept encouraging me to get my thyroid checked. He told me that anybody who was cold in the Caribbean had some sort of medical problem. I of course, laughed this off. I had had my thyroid checked numerous times in previous years and the tests always came back normal.

While still on island during one of my visits to the local clinic, I complained to the doctor of pain all over my body. He proceeded to conduct a very technical test. He pointed to various areas of my body and asked me if it hurt there. When I responded in the affirmative to over 90% of the places he pointed he told me I had Fibromyalgia. I was stunned. First, to receive this diagnosis. Second, at the method by which he came to it.

Of course, when I told my family they kind of gave me that look. When asked about the procedure of the diagnosis ‘the look’ became attitude. I have to admit that even I was pretty skeptical. I had several friends who had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and I was sure they had received more thorough testing in the States.

This is what started my research into Fibro. It didn’t take me look to realize that I had received the standard test for Fibro and how little was actually know about this disease. It seemed to me that this might just be the new ‘designer disease’. You know that one that all the fashionable ladies have and everyone talks about, but nobody has any definitive answer, treatment, or cure for.

To say that I felt discouraged about this would have been the understatement of the century. This and the problems with my right leg were really starting to get me down. I felt as though I was in constant physical and emotional pain. During this time I also had a Spiritual crisis of sorts. This isn’t something I want to get into on this blog, but I do want to mention it so as to paint the picture that I was not in a good place. I have a lot of faith, and even during the spiritual crisis, I was able to hold onto that with the knowledge that God and Jesus Christ love and care about me. I have no doubt that they know my name.

I don’t think I was ready to admit all of this at the time, but my decision to leave the island was largely based upon the fact that I knew I needed medical attention that I would not be able to receive there. It was difficult for me to leave, but I had wanted to live at Lake Tahoe since 2005 and decided that if I was leaving the ‘Blue Waters’ of the Caribbean I would be content to settle on the ‘Blue Watters’ of Lake Tahoe.

OK, now I’ve brought you up to the point when I came to live in Nevada. I should mention that the trip here was not easy. Over 22 hours from the time I left St. Croix until I landed in Reno, NV, four different flights and through five time zones. I was exhausted. My arrival in Reno was around midnight PST, but that was actually the early morning hours in the ATZ (Atlantic Time Zone-Caribbean). After spending the night in Reno and traveling up to Lake Tahoe to see the new apartment, I felt as though I could sleep for a month, and that’s about what I did.
I got to Tahoe on May 30th and I thought I was going to freeze to death. I was constantly freezing. I forced myself to get in the local pool and work out, but I never did dip my body into the lake that first summer. Everyone was saying that it was cooler than normal, so I consoled myself with that knowledge and chalked it up to my body needing to acclimate. Fortunately, that cool summer turned into a mild winter, because I never did seem to acclimate and I was always cold and I mean shivering cold. The problems with my leg intensified and if I was going anywhere that I knew I had to walk long distances I started using a cane.
By the spring of 2014 I was resolved to being a cripple. I couldn’t walk very far, but walking was better than standing and sitting was the worst. Some days my arms, neck and shoulders hurt so bad it was impossible to lean back in a chair and even laying down was agony. I started having trouble with my hands. They hurt and wouldn’t work. Typing and therefore, writing became an arduous chore. I tried very hard to remain cheerful and hopeful that I would begin to get better, but could see no change in sight.

I don’t have health insurance. I don’t trust the medical community and I had pharmaceuticals. I firmly believed that it was trusting my doctors during my treatment for cancer that landed me in this predicament and therefore I was not ready to turn to them for help.

I have several friends who are also cancer survivors, interesting that they have all been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Everyone was on pain meds. I had a short bout with them, but decided that was not how I wanted to live. When the pain finally started to completely overcome me, I turned to research again. A friend suggested to me that I look into the possibility of an Iodine deficiency. While researching Iodine I was led to sites on Fibromyalgia and it's treatment. That is how I found the doctors at Power Health in Reno, Nevada that I am currently seeing.

 I’ll tell you all about that ‘new adventure’ in my next post.


  1. My apologies to anyone reading this post. Please DO NOT click on those blue highlighted words that appear to be links. I DID NOT DO THAT. My computer told me that I needed to download a new media player in order to play YouTube Videos, being the good little idiot I am, I went ahead and did it. Now my computer has been taken over by spanbots. I'm working to fix this, but for the time being, this is what's happening.

  2. >>... I was able to hold onto that with the knowledge that God and Jesus Christ love and care about me. I have no doubt that they know my name.

    Not only do they know your name, "but the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matthew 10:30).

    >>... A friend suggested to me that I look into the possibility of an Iodine deficiency. While researching Iodine I was led to sites on Fibromyalgia and it's treatment. That is how I found the doctors at Power Health in Reno, Nevada that I am currently seeing.

    It's good to have friends whom God is able to use to direct you where ya need to go, eh?

    I'm not seeing ANY blue highlighted words in your text. It's all red - every single letter.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  3. I had a friend who suffered from fibromyalgia. Some days she couldn't get out of bed. People didn't believe her, either, because you couldn't see her pain. (Although you can't see back pain or shoulder pain, either, and nobody questions that.) There are some natural remedies that can help a little.

  4. Yep, everything looks good over here, too. No sketchy links.

    I have health insurance, but I don't trust the medical community either. At least yours have been helpful for you and found what was ailing you. When I was feeling sick, my runt with a capital C of a doctor just acted like I was faking it all and it would probably just go away on its own so just come back in 6 months if you're still not better, now go away.
